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Marilyn Allen March 30, 2009
(Grandmother or Mamaw )

     I want to let you know that you have done a tremendous job on Megan's website.  I finally got the website page up-to-date.  I can't believe how many people have seen this website and lit a candle in Megan's memory.  I read the beautiful words that people have said and have a little cry.  But then, I feel so much better knowing that she was and is loved so much.  I always light a candle for Megan before I leave the Lodge.

Beverly Brown March 30, 2009
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) (Visitor)
Carol Pizzi -Debbie's Mom March 30, 2009

Aunt Cindy March 30, 2009
“I’ll lend you, for a little while, a child of mine,” He said,
“For you to love while she lives, and mourn when she is dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty two, or three,
But will you, ‘til I call her back, take care of her for me?
She’ll bring her charms to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
You’ll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.”

“I cannot promise she will stay, as all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give her all your love, not think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?”

“I fancied that I heard them say, ‘Dear Lord, thy will be done.’
“For all the joy this child shall bring, the risk of grief we’ll run.
We’ll shower her with tenderness and love her while we may.
And for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay.
And should the angels call for her much sooner than we planned
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.”
Mom March 30, 2009

The Lunar Eclipse of 8/28/07  

Thank you Meg for teaching me all about lunar eclipses and planets and all the things of space. And this morning as I watched the total lunar eclipse I missed you so much. I realized that you must have had the best seat in the house to watch this, though. And yet, somehow, I feel like you were right there beside me, too. Such a beautiful tribute to your Aunt Peg from God this eclipse was. 

Melody Harris (old neighbor ) March 30, 2009
Karen for some reason I thought of you today. The wind was blowing and it was like Megan telling me to send you a message. She still loves you and looks on you everyday. She is at peace in a beautiful place that one can't begain to dream about. It had to have been Megan because I was sitting here on my computer just looking around and something told me to type her name and I came upon this sight. She is still here and loves you very much.
Mom March 30, 2009

I put the bench and red mushrooms on your site because everytime I mow your grave there are red mushrooms under your bench. I know how much you love mushrooms and I hate to keep mowing them down, so I'll leave these on your site for you all the time! I also put your new flowers out today. Hope you like them. I just can't change colors, because the deep purple look so nice with your black monument. You always did like purple.  I love you sweetie. Please know that you're in my thoughts constantly everyday. I miss you more than I've ever missed anything in my whole life. Wait for me and when the Lord is finished with me here he will join us again in Heaven. 

Love you.
Rosemary March 30, 2009
Rosemary Sis Of Alvin Cremeans

July 4th

Nancy Davis March 30, 2009

Aunt Cindy March 30, 2009

My Child

I loved you for so many months
Before you were even born,
I talked and sang and read to you
And kept you safe and warm.

And when you opened first your eyes
And looked deeply into my soul,
My heart grew full, and with great relief,
I saw that you were whole.

Your tiny little bitsy fist,
Wrapped tight around my thumb,
The trust you placed upon me,
Struck me completely dumb.

How awesome was your little smile
That spoke of your dreams to me,
So trusting as you slowly nursed,
So dependant, relaxed and free.

Committed I myself to you,
As protector, friend and guide,
And watched you grow, a tender shoot,
Close ever by my side.

How shocked was I when the death angel came
And bore you to heaven’s home,
To fill a spot in God’s own heart,
And with Jesus talk and roam.

Please know, my child, how my heart breaks
That you have gone away;
Yet the love you opened up to me
Will last through judgment day.

Amid my grief my life goes on;
I learned so much from you:
How to trust my Heavenly Father
In everything I do.

Some great day when my life is done,
According to God’s plan;
I’ll bring my broken heart to you
And it will be whole again.

I thank my Lord for lending you,
In the way He did, to me.
For He used you as a building block
To my own eternity.

Rosemary March 30, 2009
Rosemary Sis Of Alvin Cremeans

Wishing Megan's father a peaceful Father's Day.

Marilyn Allen (Grandmother) March 30, 2009

I just want to thank you for the beautiful website you have made in memory of Megan.  I can go to it and read all the wonderful things people have said about Megan.  It keeps me close to her.  I hope and pray that things will go easier for you.  You have kept the website up-to-date.  I know it must be hard for you, but I get enjoyment and love out of it.  You are keeping Megan's love shining through.

Ashley Allan March 30, 2009
(Just passin through )
Hello im very sorry for your loss and hope everything i 
s well

Lots of love Ashley x x x
Mom March 30, 2009
What a coincidence that our Fox Pizza opens right down the street from us on the 26th of May. Exactly 1 year and 7 months to the day from  the time you left me. What a coincidence that you and I LOVED Fox Pizza so much that we would drive long distances sometimes just to eat at a Fox Pizza. I still have the last menu we used where you circled what type of Wedgie and Pizza that you wanted.  I would give anything for those days again.  We always talked about how Oak Grove needed a Fox Pizza then we wouldn't have to drive to Delhi to eat.  So today, which happens to be the 26th our brand new Fox Pizza Den is opening. Why do you suppose they picked today, the 26th out of all days?  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  Try the work of our LORD along with Megan Allen telling Him how much she and her Mom always loved Fox Pizza.  And even though it won't be the same without you girl, I'm still forever grateful.
Julie March 30, 2009
Debbie Wengert March 30, 2009




Julie Thomas Packer March 30, 2009

I am sorry for your loss of beautiful Megan
Your family are in My thoughts
Precious Memorials March 30, 2009
Aunt Peg March 30, 2009
Meg,  I dreamed of you last night.  I woke myself up crying.  I miss you so much.  I thank God for Erik and the happiness he brought to you.  You were such a special niece to me.  Sara Beth talks about you to her play animals.  She shows them your picture and tells them all about you.  I will make sure she always remembers you as she grows up.  She remembers you chasing her around her house when you kept her that summer.  I am so thankful for having you a part of my life.
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