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Mom March 30, 2009

Well Meg, another Halloween has come and gone and you weren't here to help me hand out candy. I know we always talked about handing out the Mardi Gras beads that we caught at all the parades in Monroe, but I just can't bring myself to give them away. You and I caught those together. They come with alot of memories. So every year I give out 4 or 5 strands. You promised me you would be here to help me through this life, but you're not. They tell me that the second year is the hardest. I do find that it gets harder every day. I just don't know what to do. I'm lost without you. I miss you so much. Stay close to me.   I love you.      Mom

Mom A year, a lifetime.... March 30, 2009



Meg, it just doesn't seem like it's been a year. Yet it seems like a lifetime ago. Where did my year go? You were just here and now you're gone. Nothing is important to me anymore. The things of this world are just that, things. They don't mean a thing. I have so much I want to tell you. We've got so many movies to catch up on. Why does everyone else still have their daughters and their life goes on while mine is completely shattered? It's not fair. I know that this is all part of God's plan, but I just can't see how his plan could take my only child. We were so close. We shared everything. Thank you for making those 20 years of my life the best 20 I'll ever have. I love you more than anything. 

A. Friend March 30, 2009

Tammy (mom To Holli) March 30, 2009

You are in my prayers
Call me anytime 
I will always be here for you!
Sue~ Mom To Ashley Trapp March 30, 2009
Hi Megan,

I'm thinking of you and your family this day and always.  You will always be remembered and forever loved. This candle will burn its eternal flame in your memory forever!

God Bless,
Sue, Ashley's Mom
Dad (Meggie's Dad ) March 30, 2009

Forever, but just yesterday...


Meg, words can't explain the feeling of losing you. A year has gone by, but it still seems like yesterday. I guess I get by, by remembering all of the times that we did have together. When you were little , I'd lay in bed with you trying to get you to fall asleep and you would want me to rub your belly, saying "scratch" every time that I would stop rubbing, meaning that I usually would rub your belly till one of us fell asleep. The memories will always be with me, even though you are not. The empty feeling will always be there, but knowing that you are in heaven with God, it makes me proud that I'm an "Angel dad". 

Watch over us always...  I love You, Precious Angel

Leah Seamans (best friend ) March 30, 2009

Missing you so much  


I woke up this morning to hear your song playing Meg, and just had to come put them up on your site...

My Immortal

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you've left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

Jessica Mathews (best friend ) March 30, 2009
I miss you more than ever today. It's been a year, but seems like a week. I'll never have another friend with the bond we shared. I love you Meg. Be with your Mom today.
Alicia Calantone March 30, 2009

Today, in Heaven, a young angel,
went to our Father's throne
This angel said "Dear Lord, today,
my family just cant be left alone

The angel said "My heavenly father,
I've been in Heaven exactly a year
wearing wings mad of silver and gold
while their faces are stained with tears

They are going to need me today,
to give comfort and ease their pain
I want to surround them with all my love
cause their tears still flow like rain

You had a family, too, Lord
who felt the pain of losing you
They know what it is like for a family
to feel misery the whole day through

Our father looked at this precious angel
who was kneeling at his throne
He said "Take a band of angels with you
So your family wont feel alone"

As you embrace them with your love
I'll be reaching down with loving arms
I'll touch them with my love and assurance
that you will protect them from all harm

Oh! What a sight it will be today
to see these angels with golden wings
Following that precious angel to their hearts
Bringing all the love and comfort they could bring

Yes, your angel is always with you all
no matter what the circumstance
so when you feel that tug at your hearts
know its Megan bringing comfort and love to all
Her mother, father, friends, grandparents, uncles & aunts

Tammy(mom To Holli) March 30, 2009


I light this candle in remembrance of Megan Lynn.
We were blessed to have this Angel for 20 years.
Her love will forever live on in the memories of those
 who love and miss her.
Rest in Peace 
Dear Meg.

“You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”

Dianne White March 30, 2009

Thinking of You Today  


Dianne White/Mom Of Angel Nicholas

Carolyn Adcock (Aunt) March 30, 2009
My niece was a special young lady.  She had a soft, lyrical voice and a beautiful smile.  She never wanted to be the center of attention - much the opposite.  She was a quiet and shy person.  She loved her mom so much, and they did everything together.  They were each other's best friend.  She helped her mom and herself through many difficult times.  I would like to have half the courage that she had.  I will never stop loving her or missing her, and I feel her presence and her spirit with us.  I thank God for the time she had with her mom and with the rest of us, and for the many happy memories we have of her.  Thanks, Meggie, for touching our lives with your love.
Mom What if... March 30, 2009

I often think about the "what ifs" alot.  What if on this day last year in October GOD would have come to me and said, "I'm taking Megan home to live with me in Paradise one week from tomorrow. " My initial reaction would be, "Why GOD?" Then a stream of questions would follow afterwards. "How GOD? What time GOD? Will she suffer GOD? Is it something I've done GOD? Please GOD can't you just leave her here a little bit longer for me?" That's why He's GOD. HE knows the best way. How in the world would I have ever been able to survive the next week knowing what was going to happen? That's why it's best we don't know. Even if HE would have told me when she was born that I would only have her 20 years, I would have dreaded it so the older she got. I couldn't have enjoyed having her. So I guess what I'm trying to say is Thank You GOD for not telling us everything.  Just take really good care of her for me.

Dr. Ralph Armstrong The miracle of birth March 30, 2009

Every birth is a miracle. We all start as a couple of cells and develop into a beautiful baby, then a child, then a teenager and then an adult. Somewhere along the way God breathes into us a soul that gives us eternal life with intelligence, personality, and emotions that allow us to interact with our families, friends and acquaintances. When God brings the soul back to heaven with Him we are left with cherished memories and a "hole" in our hearts that can only be filled by family, friends and acquaintances. When Megan was born, as her mother's obstetrician, I became one of the people in her life that would feel the loss after she is gone. This is why I feel the compulsion to remember her and be a part of this community that gathers around her family and friends in our tribute to her life on earth. We won't know until we can ask God directly why He took her soul back so early, but someday we'll all know the answer. Everything happens according to God's plan for us. All we can do is try to understand, this is the plan for our lives too.

Holli's Mom March 30, 2009

I was going through some pictures of the moon that we took at our other house and came upon this one.  I liked it so much I made Megan and Holli a banner with it.  I know you are missing megan as much as I am missing Holli right now.  I pray every day that this pain will go away.  I want to rejoice in the life she led but still cannot see anything but the pain of the life she lost.  I know there has to be a better day for us Karen, I just pray that it comes soon.  

I am always thinking of you.  Stay strong.  

Take care of yourself,
Mom The last of the firsts.... March 30, 2009


This is the last holiday of all the "first" holidays without you. But will that make it any easier? I don't think so. It's always going to seem like a "first" holiday without you. This will seem like the first Thanksgiving and the first Christmas without you. But it won't be. And yet it seems like forever ago that you left. Why is it so hard today? Labor Day isn't really a significant holiday. I don't think it's the fact that it's Labor Day, I think it's just the fact that it's another day that I'm still breathing here on this rotten earth without you. I miss you Meg. Hold me close to you today, like you do every day. 
I love you,

Holli's Mom March 30, 2009

Holli's Mom March 30, 2009

They whom we love and lost
are no longer where they were before.
They are now wherever we are.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mom March 30, 2009
Thank you so much, Meg. You know what for. I can't do this without you.  I need you to look after me. If I just knew half of what you knew I wouldn't have these simple computer problems that I have.  But so far you've been there to help me along the way. Thanks baby. I love you so much.....
Mom March 30, 2009
What do you say when someone asks how Meg is doing. She's doing better than you and I. You can't blame them for asking. How were they to know? Yet, it's like a deep wound that just won't heal. And every now and then it will pop open and bleed again. The pain never stops. 

Went to some of our old places today. I shouldn't have went. The day just got worse as it progressed.  I ran into one of your friends that was shopping with her Mom.  Then if that wasn't bad enough, I stopped to straighten your flowers in the curve. They're cleaning it off. It's going to be a beautiful place some day to someone.  But for me, it's got too many bad memories. 

And you never threw me any pennies today. I needed one so bad. Maybe I just overlooked it. Maybe it was there the whole time. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.    I miss you so much.  I never knew a heart could ache so badly.  Watch over me while I sleep. I just need to know you're there.   

I love you,
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