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Johnette Moninger March 30, 2009






Leah Seamans (best friend ) March 29, 2009
Sitting in German Diction last week, while preparing for finals, one of my friends sang a song called "Widmung"  and part of the song talks about "Mein Guter Geist"

Meg, you've become "Mein Guter Geist" to me and several others.

Mein Guter Geist - My Guardian Spirit
Melissa Smith March 29, 2009
Four candles slowly burned 
The ambience was so soft one could almost hear them talking 
The first candle said "I am Peace" 
"The world is so full of anger and fighting that nobody can keep me alight" 
Then the candle of peace went out completely. 
The the second candle said 
"I am Faith" 
"I am no longer indispensable 
It does not make any sense that I stay awake one moment longer." 
Then a breeze softly blew out Faith's flame. 
Sadly the third candle began to speak 
"I am Love" 
"People don't understand my importance, 
So they put me aside. 
They even forget to love nearest to them. 
I don't have the strength to stay alight" 
And waiting no longer the candle of Love went out. 
A child entered the room where the candles were 
And saw that three of the candles were unlit. 
"Why are you not burning?" said the child 
"You are supposed to stay alight until the very end" 
And the child was frightened and began to cry. 
The the fourth candle said 
"Don't be afraid. I am hope, 
And while I am burning we can light the other candles" 
With shining eyes the child took the candle of Hope 
And lit the other candles. 
The flame of Hope should never go out from your life, 
And with Hope each of us can have a life 
With Peace, Faith and Love.
Johnette Moninger March 29, 2009
You Are An Angel To Me..., Religious Angels Greeting Cards

From Meg March 29, 2009
Happy Mother's Day  / From Meg
 I love you Mom!


Clores Robinson Isabella's Mom March 29, 2009

Debbie Wengert March 29, 2009

Mother You filled my days with rainbow lights,
fairytales and sweet dream nights,
A kiss to wipe away my tears,
Gingerbread to ease my fears.
You gave the gift of life to me,
And then in love, you set me free.
I thank you for your tender care,
for deep warm hugs and being there.
I hope that when you think of me,
A part of you, you'll always see.

Love Megan

Mom March 29, 2009
  It's been 6 months today since you left us. It seems like forever ago, yet it seems like just yesterday, too. So many things I've wanted to tell you. So many things I've wanted to do with you. Life isn't the same anymore. It never will be. Nothing matters anymore. Life just isn't any fun at all. Wait for me Meg. When GOD is finished with me here I'll join you in our Heavenly home. Oh what a day that will be! Hold my hand and walk close by me. I love you so much.
Johnette March 29, 2009

Wishing you

a beautiful Easter,


with love and joy.




Kathy Laframboise March 29, 2009
megan^I^ a beautiful name for a beautiful angel- easter is approaching and i know how much you will be missed- keep dancing with all the angels, send mom the warmth of your special lvoe- no holiday seems the same we go the bumpy road just trying to get through. happy easter- from o ne hurt family at the holidays to another- morgans aunt kathy
Melissa Smith March 29, 2009

Dear Friends, just a few thoughts on recovery. To me, recovery does not mean that we forget our children or the life we had with them. It doesn't mean we won't feel pain again; be reminded by songs, sights, or sounds; have a mixture of feelings on holidays; or that we won't mourn any longer. But we have to "learn" to mourn so it doesn't interfere with our new "normal," our new lifestyle. I believe that God does not want us to forget our past. God does not want us to forget the good times, the hard times, the success, the mistakes. God does not ask that we forget that wonderful, or at times conflictual relationship. The battle is over for our children. Death has come. Now we can experience his or her victory of a new life while constructing memories for ourselves of our past life with our children. We will "ALWAYS" have a relationship with our children. I believe recovery means we will remember our children realistically.(All of this is easier said than done.)

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:…. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance" (Eccl. 3:1,4)

"The Lord will be your everlasting light, and in your days of sorrow will end"

(Isa. 60:20)

In Christian Love,


Kathy Laframboise March 29, 2009

megan-^I^ you are so very special- you will never be for gotten- the pain and hurt will never leave the hearts of family and friends. you are so loved you have a beautiful smile- and i know you are one of the bright sinning stars that i glance up to see each and every night- send your family the warmth of your spirit- keep mom wrapped in those precious angel wings- keep dancing with your angel friendsthe tears will flow for ever. xoxoxo from one hurt family to another. aunt of morgan piatt

Melissa Smith March 29, 2009

I believe God's promises are true. I believe Heaven is real.I believe God will see US through. I believe nothing can separateUs from God's love. I believe God has work for me to do. "Believing against the grain" means having a survivalist attitude. Not only can WE survive, but out of it we can create something good. We need to cry out to each other for help and cry out, "God help US believe!"

Thinking of you and thanking you for your thoughts and prayers while my hands are recovering. Melissa

Megan to Mom March 29, 2009

When tomorrow starts without  me,
And I'm not there to see,
If  the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled  with tears for me, 

I wish so much you wouldn't  cry
The way you did today,
While  thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to  say. 

I know how much you love  me,
As much as I love you,
and  each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me  too. 

But when tomorrow starts without  me,
Please try to  understand,
That an angel came and called my  name,
And took me by the  hand,
and said my place was  ready,
In heaven far above,
And  that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly  love. 

But as I turned to walk  away,
A tear fell from my  eye
For all mylife, I'd always  thought,
I didn't want to die. 

I had so much to live for,
So  much left yet to do,
It seemed almost  impossible,
That I was leaving you. 

I thought of all the  yesterdays
The good ones and the  bad,
I thought of all the love we  shared,
and all the fun we had 

If I could re-live  yesterday
Just even for a  while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss  you
And maybe see you smile. 

But then I fully  realized,
That this could never  be,
For emptiness and  memories,
would take the place of me. 

And when I thought of worldly  things,
I might miss come  tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I  did,
My heart was filled with sorrow. 

But when I walked through heaven's  gates,
I felt so much at  home
When God looked down and smiled at  me,
From His great goldenthrone. 

He said, "This is  eternity,
And all I've promised  you."
Today your life on earth is  past,
But here life starts anew 

I promise no tomorrow,
But  today will always last,
And since each day's the same  way
There's no longing for the past. 

You have been so faithful,
So  trusting and so true.
Though there were  times
You did some things
You  knew you shouldn't do. 

But you have been  forgiven
And now at last you're  free.
So won't you come and take my  hand
And share my life with me? 

So when tomorrow starts without  me,
Don't think we're far  apart,
For every time you think of  me,
I'm right here, in your heart.


Melissa Smith Blakemoore March 29, 2009

No person is ever truly alone
Those Who live no more,
Whom we loved.
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts,
And what they did
And who they were
Becomes a part of all that we are, forever.

Thinking of you always. I've missed visiting you.
My hands are some better, at least I can type some.

Keena Killians Mommy March 29, 2009
I pray for your mom every day & hope she finds peace and alot of love during this incredibly painful time!! Luv Killians mommy, Keena
Johnette Moninger March 29, 2009

Bless Your Heart

On Saint Patrick's Day

And Always

"HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY MEGAN"  / Johnette Moninger Angels-Mary Bates, Madison Foell, Toby Meister (Friend)

Melissa Smith March 29, 2009

God, darkness is closing in on me. I've been trying to avoid the inevitable and need You to help me realize that being in the darkness is part of my journey through grief. I don't want to dread or fear it but to embrace it and allow You to use it to change me. Slow me down, Lord, and allow me to face my pain and loss. Be my comforter, encourager, companion, and light. Illuminate the dark night. Show me today how being in the darkness has and will enlarge my soul. Amen

Johnette Moninger March 29, 2009

Eat an extra piece of Angel food cake for me.
Hugs & Kisses.

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