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Les Mémoires
Mom The twenty dollar memory July 25, 2013
Remember the time when you were working for Dr. Fisher in Lake Providence and you were at the Sonic for lunch one day and found that twenty dollar bill? You sat there in your car and watched it blow in the wind until you were sure it was a twenty. After all it was so uncool to pull up to the Sonic and get out of your car!  But you finally made your move. You were so happy. You would have thought that you had found a hundred dollar bill !  Well I shared in that memory with you this week. After all these years of picking up the pennies, nickels and dimes at the Sonic over there every morning when I got my coke as I was leaving to walk back across the street I saw the five dollar bill blowing in the wind. Your twenty dollar memory immediately came to mind. I thought to myself maybe it was your way of saying it's been fun Mom but you're going home now. Or maybe you just wanted to buy my lunch for the last time at my old job. Probably you were just helping to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. You know how worried I am about changing offices. Whatever the reason thanks for the money and thank you even more for the memories. I love you❤
Mom Memories.... February 13, 2013
Got behind a kid with a "Vans" jacket on last night in Wal Mart while buying your Valentines Day roses. I just had to ask him if he was a skateboarder. Told him about you and your Vans shoes and how you loved them. Told him how you would have loved that jacket, too. His Mom said something and I told her how you loved your Vans so much that I chose to bury you in them. She asked who you were and when I told her your name she said, " I remember Megan Allen!"  I don't have a clue who they were, but the jacket was what caught my eye. Memories.....I miss you so much Meg. The hurt never goes away, but thank God the memories don't either. Love you my sweet Valentine Angel♥
Aunt Cindy
As I was reading over the memories posted here, I thought about Kyndhl and the other day when she kept asking me where "Gracie's" picture was, I asked "WHO?" and she said "you know, Gracie, that died and lives in Heaven", and I said "Oh, you mean Megan?".  I have a picture of Megan, Zac, and Ryan in a frame when they were little.  Don't know why she thot of her, but when I showed her the picture she said yes, that was who she wanted to see. 
Mom - October 9, 2010
Meg, I guess this is more of a tribute than a memory. I was stopped by 2 different people this weekend and was told by both of them that I looked just like you walking. One was one of your teachers from school. She assured me that you had not been forgotten by your other teachers at school. That did my heart so much good. And it just could not have come at a better time than this month. The other one was by one of your dearest friends. We had such a good chat about you and shared some great memories. I'm so glad that your friends have not forgotten me.  I knew they would never forget you, but I'm glad they still remember me, too. Yes it's hard running into them, but it also helps me, too. I miss you terribly Meggie. Please stay close. I promise to try to look more and more like you every day. Afterall I cannot help but to look like you because you are hidden well within my soul and my every being. I love you my precious angel♥
Lauren St. Romain Madison


I've heard about her through Leah, I know how close they were.


I remember Leah saying that she picked up the phone to call Meg on her birthday just after she passed and that's when it hit her that she was gone forever, when she knew shed never answer her phone again.

She had a "Megan penny" in her bouquet during the wedding, she teared up explaining what it was - that pennies are reminders from heaven that angels are watching over you.


I'm sorry for your loss, from what I know of Meg, she was a true friend and will forever be missed by those who knew her.


Hey Meg, Astronomers have just found this HUGE 300 Solar Mass Star.  You found it  on your way to Heaven didn't you!

 At birth, the three brightest starts each weighed more than 150 times the mass of the sun. The most massive star, known as R136a1, is located at the center of the image.


This weekend is the Mardi Gras Parade in Monroe. Gosh I use to dread  going to that thing every year with you.  I really didn't want to go the last year we went, but like always,  you talked me into it.  It was so cold, but we had a blast! I think we had the most fun that year of all the years.  I had no idea at the time that it would be our last one together. We decided that year we would watch it from Antique Alley in West Monroe.  It did have a much more of a New Orleans feel about it, but it was crowded and they weren't tossing many beads. So after it was over we got this crazy idea to jump in the car and beat it back over the bridge to Monroe to watch it again in our usual spot. It was wild but we made it!  We got to watch it again and this time they were tossing plenty of beads. There was this one crazy drunk guy on a float that kept telling me he loved me and to call him and everywhere we went there he was. We finally got away from him! We really had a great time.  I know  I'll  never go again. As much as I dreaded going to those parades, I'd give anything to be going again with you this year. You'd never hear me complain again. All I've got are the memories.  But what some memories!  We really had some great times together. And when God is ready for me, I'll see you again.  I love you.
One of my favorite memories of my entire life was when we were little, I guess about 12. We were in our sleepover phase, and it was every Friday night. We would turn on Singled Out with Jenny McCarthy on MTV and play out the questions to see which of us got the date! We would make a mess of your mom's pillows making the Singled Out stage from them! If they ever put any of those on dvd, I will totally buy them for us! I dont know why that stands out in my mind. Out of all the games we played, Barbies in the camper, Dream Date, being in high school; that one makes me the fuzziest. Love you baby!
Kaye Crnkovic

"I remember teaching Megan in Sunday School and was with her when she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. It was one of the best moments of my Christian experiences. She looked like an angel - her smile was radiant. I can't think of a better and grander experience to have shared with her. She was a special girl and I loved her very much. I still miss her beautiful smile."




Remember Spineshank Megan?  They weren't even known to anyone and we went to see them at The Edge of Madness in 2000.  I went because you were only 15 and I wasn't going to let you drive to Calhoun and be coming home all hours of the night.  I was probably the oldest one there! Gosh how I hated their music.  I never dreamed they would make it big. But they did. I was listening to my XM and on the Metal channel there they were.  Chimaira has made it big, too.  I think they played with them that night. We got home at 3:15 the next morning.  I slept in and went in to work a little later than usual. Their music was so loud and I couldn't understand anything they were singing. But it was all worth it. I'm so glad I went. And I'd do it all over again for you, too. Thanks for the memories. I'll cherish them always.  I'm not much of a metal fan like you were, but every morning on my way to work I have to have my "Meggie Fix" so I'll listen to the 2 metal channels on XM and Serius. Memories.

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