Dear Karen,
Megan & her family & her Mom,
are always in my thoughts. I have met so many wonderful families on this site, and have read all about their beautiful angels.
Maybe when you have time you can go to:
I hope it might help.
Love always,
Debbie-Joey's Mom
I was browsing through this web site and found Megan and got tho know her a bit. I'm so sorry for your loss and wanted you to know that, although far a way on other side the world someone else is thinking about her and family tonight. Its a parent's worst nightmare losing a child no matter what age. My deepest sympathies to you and your family in the loss.Sharing the pain of losing one so very loved. I myself have lost son in a car accident ( roll over ) at the age 24, and it's he hardest thing that any parent can happen. I am a Parent in similar situation and my heart hurts for you .God Bless.
Dragan's dad ,
I can only ditto Wendell's comments. What an inspiration you are for so many. Please continue to console and comfort those who have suffered such a great loss as you. Love you, sis.
Karen, where do I begin to tell you thank you. I should have been the strong one to console you upon Meg's death put you are the stronger of us, as through your sorrow having lost your beautiful daughter, you sent me and my family comfort and support. Your support of Meg has extended throughout and reached into my heart which was closed & broken and pieced it together. You have been a source of inspiration to me. Meg was fortunate to have had you as a mother. Just as you have always been there for me, I pledge to always be here for You! Forever...

I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too,
I think of you in silence I often speak your name
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part
God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.
Hey, I finally made it here, I apologizing for it taking me so long. The website is beautiful and Megan I'm certain is very proud of the work you have done. The music is beautiful as well, one of my favorite artists. You've done a great job in showing the wonderful person your daughter was on earth and continues to be in Heaven. I know I didn't know her but this website brings into full her personality and a sense of connection. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. I hope to see you tomorrow.
Your Carhop,
I enjoyed our visit in Wal-Mart the other day. Megan's website is a joy to read. I can't believe how many people have lit a candle in her memory. Also the page I am on now is wonderful. I have been meaning to write something but I didn't know where to put it. You are doing a wonderful job of keeping Megan's memory living on. I will lit a candle in her old website before I leave.
My heart goes out to you mom as I know your pain. I lost my precious son Allen in a tragic car accident on 7-16-2009. He was also 20. I read what you wrote briefly of your daughter and she reminds me of my son. Megan, may you rest in peace as your memories live on and may the candle I lit always shine brightly in your memory! You will always be your moms precious young angel as my son Allen will always be mine. Please tell Allen his mom, family and friends miss and love him so!
God Bless you, Norma Flores