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Alicia Calantone March 29, 2009
Karen, I hope this will somewhat ease your pain.

Dear Father who art in Heaven...
Please join our family on this Thanksgiving Day
And Bless each one as we sit down to pray
As we remember those who have joined above
So dearly missed and deeply loved

Please provide us strength on this Thanksgiving Day
Bless us with memories of those faraway
Please grant patience to family and friends as we grieve
And help us reach out to others who are bereaved

We give thanks to you on this Thanksgiving day
For your presence in our lives each and everyday
For your comfort, guidance,and never ending love
And for taking care of our loved ones in Heaven above

As we light this candle on this Thanksgiving day
And it glows in memory of those in Heaven today
May their lights always shine down on us and give us light
And may we feel their presence along with yours tonight

May the peace and tranquility on this Thanksgiving day
Be an everlasting light within each of us along the way
Lets bow our heads and give our thanks to God above
For our blessings, whether on earth or in Heaven above

Author unknown
Lee Stilson March 29, 2009
Karen, It is still so hard to believe that my little Meg has left us. In my mind, she is still the little girl who would run up yelling LeeLee. I think that is what has made this so hard. I am so glad that she had found peace and happiness before the Lord took her to be with him. Just remember, God never gives us more than we can handle. Even when we don't know how we will be able to go on. Remember your friends and family. I am here if you need me. All you have to do is call.
Jasmin March 29, 2009
Hi Karen,

I don't know you or your family, but I happened to see your post in the forum titled "im nothing now". I know there's no words anyone can say to make you feel better, especially from a complete stranger, but I just felt compelled to send you a message. I'm the same age as your daughter, born in April of 1985. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, that your daughter's story just really touched my heart. I will pray for her, and for you. Please don't think that you are nothing now. I believe we are all souls, there's a quote I love that says "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." I believe that with all my heart. Your soul, your life, is so meaningful, you are here for a reason. And I believe that your daughter is watching you, and that she's with you. I know this must all sound strange coming from someone you've never met, but I just felt so compelled to write you. Your post, and this website, moved me to tears If you ever need someone to talk to, you can email me. Take care, and I'm so, so sorry for your loss.
Lydia Dubrock March 29, 2009



Dear Karen,

What a loss you must feel, but working on a website and sharing your thoughts is so much better than withdrawing deep into yourself. I have thought about you and her more than you would think since I first heard and I have spoke to you through my heart as I so seldom express my inner feelings openly. It sounds like you have alot of wonderful friends and a closesness with your daughter you will carry with you forever that so many people never even experience with their kids. That is a blessing in itself though it is so tragic. God bless you.
Melissa Smith Blakemore March 29, 2009
God has a positive answer:
You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible
(Luke 18:27)
You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)
You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you
(John 3:16 & John 3:34 )
You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things
(Philippians 4:13)
You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )
You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs
(Philippians 4:19)
You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
(II Timothy 1:7)
You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)
You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)
You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)
Alicia Calantone March 29, 2009

I stood beside your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
quietly in your sleep.

I touched you softly
as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast,
I watched you pour coffee,
You were thinking of how much you
missed and loved me.

I was with you at work today,
Your thoughts were focussed on me
I long to make the sadness go away,
But Mom I'm finally free

I was with you at my grave today,
You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you,
that I'm not really there.

I walked with you up to the house,
as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my hand on you,
I smiled and said "it's me."

You looked so very tired,
and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know,
that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be
so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then
smiled, I think you knew,
In the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.

The day is over, I smile and watch
you yawning and say
"goodnight, God bless,
I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you
to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and
we'll stand, side by side.

I have so many things to
show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out
then come home to be with me.

Your friend,
Alicia Calantone
Rhonda Murphy March 29, 2009
Karen, I'm very sorry for your loss.  I have a 3 year old daughter, who is an only child, and I can not imagine going through what you are experiencing. 
May God bless you and your family.  You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Rhonda Murphy, PT
Catahoula-LaSalle FSA Office
Alicia Calantone March 29, 2009

My mom is a survivor,
or so I've heard it said.
But I can hear her crying at night
when all others are in bed.

I watch her lay awake at night
and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand.

But like the sands on the beach
that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving Mom
who thinks of me each day.

She wears a smile for others...
a smile of disguise!
But through Heaven's door
I see tears flowing from her eyes.

My Mom tries to cope with death;
To keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her knows
it is her way to survive.

As I watch over my surviving Mom
through Heaven's open door...
I try to tell her that angels protect
me forevermore!

I know that doesn't help her,
or ease the burden she bears.
So, if you get a chance, go visit her.
Show her that you care.
For no matter what she says...
no matter what she feels.
My surviving Mom has a broken heart
that time won't ever heal.

Bossier FSA
Cindy Lee March 29, 2009
Hi, my name is cindy, Aunt Cindy to most, saw Megans site, and felt the need to visit. I lost my neice, Tiffany Zihal, sept.7th,2005. She was only 26, very vibrant,beautiful, and funny, looks like she and Megan have alot in common. I am so sorry for your loss, and i pray Megan and Tiffany are safe and friends, Please come and visit with Tiffany(i call her Rosebud) and all our family, and have a chance to meet her also. You and your family and friends will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you, Aunt Cindy
Norma Cates March 29, 2009
Dear Karen,

Keep In Touch
Jan East March 29, 2009
Even though we work for the same agency, we hardly ever got to see each other. My daughter, Leslie, is only 21 years old and also an only child. I feel your pain. I will continue to keep you in my prayers that God gives you the healing only he can give. Your daughter was a beautiful young girl. Only God knows why she was taken at such a young age. I guess God needed another Angel.

God Bless You!

Jan East
Desire March 29, 2009
i just like to say that im really sorry about your loss. im 17 and recently lost a friend in a car accident http://katy-waugh.memory-of.com its a very hard thing! you just have to know that shes in heaven smiling down on all of you watching over everyone of you! you have to stay strong for her and for her mother! Just remember you will see her again someday!
Chery Stringer (cousin) March 29, 2009
Sweet, sweet Megan left us too soon.  We don't understand but it is not for us to know right now.  Every time I look at the rocking chair I see you and my baby girl tucked under your arm asleep.  I miss your smile so much.  Be ever so strong everyday aunt Kay, Megan would be so proud.  We are always just a phone call away if you need us.  Love you!!!
SELMA FLYNN March 29, 2009
"MY child On the day God took you I thought that I would die I wondered where the time went? I asked alot of whys?? With people all around me I felt alone inside From all their words of comfort, I couldn't seem to hide, I thought I might be dreaming That I'd wake and find you here, I thought "This can't be happening." As I wiped another tear. On the day that you were laid to rest My heart broke yet again, I wondered if the pain would end, But mostly, I wondered when?? It's hard to be without you, At times the days seem long, Sometimes I just sit crying, When there's really nothing wrong. I wish we'd had more time, Before your life was done. I hope your resting peacefully, My precious child,
Nicky, Kristen &. Will Adcock March 29, 2009
Aunt Kay,
We just wanted you to know that even though we live far apart, we are always here in case you need to talk, cry, or even scream.  We love you and Gran soooooo much.  Nicky is flying a flag in Meg's memory tomorrow night, so we will send that to you soon.  I was thinking, the nickname for the B-2 is  the "Spirit" - I thought that was tremendously fitting.  Even though Meg is gone, her spirit will always be with you, to help you, guide you, & give you strength when you think you can't go on.  You will never get over losing her - I couldn't begin to imagine what you must be feeling, but I do know that you have to live on - for yourself, your family, and to make Meg proud.  She would have wanted that for you. The pictures on this site are just beautiful - she was turning into such a mature & striking young woman.  Nicky & I both wish we had gotten the chance to see her once more, but we have our memories of her, and those are what we'll hold on to.  If you ever need to escape - grab Gran, hop in the car, and head north - we'll be here and you are ALWAYS welcome.  We love you so much - hug Gran for us, too.  Love, Nicky, Kristen & Will
Mary Ann Vaughan March 29, 2009
I just felt the urge to write you.. I lost my precious 3 day old baby in 1966.  October 18, 2004 I lost my precious Bryan to suicide.  This past year has been hell.  I fight the unbearable pain moment by moment.  When it wants to consume me I focuse on the future when I will be will my precious children  in heaven.  Each morning when I come to work there is a sign on the side of a church that I face before turning onto the street.  It says Jesus Loves You.  I know he does.  I also know he knows my pain. My prayers are with you.  It is a part of my life now. But I just concentrate on my eternal life & making it here on earth for the ones who love me. Please visit my sons site on memory.com. His name is Bryan Story.  I also have a picture of my baby Jimmy on there.  You are not alone.  God be with you. Mary Ann
Leah Seamans March 29, 2009
You are so missed Megan, i don't know if you knew how loved you were...how thought of you were. You introduced to me my love of different music, of photography, and were always there when i needed to vent and just to talk. Mrs. Karen, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call
Risa Russell March 29, 2009
Karen i know how hard this is and i know how very lost you feel. i have experienced every possible emotion a person can have thats lost their child and i've probably made up a few of my own to go with these but we've got a promise that we can count on because we belong to a saviour that never fails us even though we sometimes wonder why these things happen......his promise to us is that we get to see our baby girls again. and no matter what we suffer here his shoulder is strong enough to bear our grief. karen, lee lee has been gone 3 years and its a daily chore to get up and choose to live but i've found that if i dwell on leanne's life instead of her death that the grief does'nt smother out my air to breathe as badly. i did'nt realize that megan and leanne were only 2 months apart in age. you know what that means don't you? they were in heaven together before they were born as they are now that they've gone home. i know they are happy there. and you and i have to live for them here now until we get to heaven. one day at a time karen your hand in mine......we'll make it til the Lord see's fit to reunite us with them in that glorious place called heaven. i'm here for you and your beautiful megan is now your beautiful guardian angel forever with you.
Funeral Home Guestbook March 29, 2009
Mrs. Bobbie and Family,

I am truly sorry for the loss that you and your family are all facing. I remember how much Megan meant to all of you and I know she was a special girl. Our time as a "Wal-Mart Family" allowed us to get to know each other's children and grandchildren so well. Please know that though I can not imagine the hurt and loss that you are facing, I do believe that GOD will see each of you through if you will only allow HIM to heal your heart. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you daily.

Love always--

Regina Russell Bullard

Nov 18, 2005
Crossett, AR


Karen, Bobbie and family,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

May God Bless you.

Lynn Foreman Hijazi
Nov 14, 2005
Costa Mesa, CA


It is so sad when a young person such as Jaden leaves us. The only thing we can say is she touched our hearts when she was here visiting ERIC. Very few people can say they have gone international but she has and will always be in our thoughts. Our deepest condolences.

Les & Lynn

Les/Lynn White
Nov 3, 2005
St. Hubert, QC Canada


I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers.


Bridget Fulton

Oct 31, 2005
Marion, LA


I can only imagine what you must be going through. We will keep you in our prayers...stay strong.


Waco Bankston

Oct 31, 2005
Monroe, LA


John and I are truly sorry for the tragedy you faced. Our prayers will continue for your family. Time will heal some of the pain, but God will carry you through it all. I will always remember when Megan was in my 6th grade class. She was a very shy student, yet pleasant and kind.

John and April Elliott

Oct 31, 2005
Forest, LA


To the Allen's Family I am sorry for your lost. Megan was my classmate until she left Oak Grove High School. I truly enjoyed talking and laughing with Megan. I am sorry I wasn't able to attend the funeral, but your family and Megan will be in my prayers and my heart forever.

Markel Craft
Oct 30, 2005
Monroe, LA


Karen and Ms. Bobby,

We are so sorry for your loss. Our Prayers and thoughts are with you during this time of loss.

Dennis & Lisa Hughes
Oct 30, 2005
Oak Grove, LA


Karen and Aunt Bobbie,
I'm sorry we couldn't be there;but we want you to know that you are in our hearts and prayers! We Love You!! God Bless !!!!

Jeff , Lisa , & J P Barber

Oct 30, 2005
Big Spring, TX


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Tina (Welborne) Whatley
Oct 30, 2005
Lake Providence, LA


Aunt Kay and Danny,
We can't say how saddened we are for the loss of Megan. We would do anything to be there with you right now, but it's just not possible. We'll forever miss Megan and we'll never forget her place in our family. We love you all. You are in our hearts and thoughts.

Eric and Angela Adcock

Oct 30, 2005
Cambridge, - Other - United Kingdom


Danny, Karen, Cindy and Family, Mr. Calvin & Mrs. Marilyn,

I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Charlie & Jeananne

Charlie & Jeananne Smith

Oct 30, 2005
Ruston, LA


Our hearts ache for you and your family at this time of sorrow. Just know that our thoughts & prayers are with you.

Veronica McIntosh McLendon

Oct 29, 2005
El Dorado, AR


May the Lord comfort your hearts.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Billy Ray & Tamra Steward
Oct 29, 2005
Pioneer, LA


Our hearts break for you at the loss of Megan. Your love for her has shown so strongly for all the time we have ever known you....More than a mom but also a friend. Megan was a lovely young lady and will be missed, we pray God grant you strengh to face each day and moment from here on....and always precious memories stay vibrant....
Perry and Theresa

Perry & Theresa Brantley

Oct 29, 2005
Forest, LA


There really are no words that can adequately convey our deep feelings of sorrow for you and your family, but just know that we are concerned about you and are praying for God to give you strength and comfort now and always.

Carlene, Karen, Amy, Maranda, & Lara
Oct 28, 2005
Bastrop, LA


Dear Karen, Danny, Cindy & Family,
I was so sorry to hear about Megan. I pray for you and your family during this time. I set here and I don't even know what to say about the loss of a child. All I can do is pray and pull out my faith in God and believe he had a higher purpose for Megan and my hope for you is that you too believe that. Again, I am so sorry.

Gaye Auger-Laing
Oct 27, 2005
Bastrop, LA


I am so..so..sorry about Megan, my heart aches for you all so much!! I wish I could say or do something to make some of the pain go away, but, I know there is nothing I can do or say that will make it go away , so, I hope it helps to know your in my thoughts and prayers!

Tammy Brasher Hattaway
Oct 27, 2005
Oak Grove, LA


Mrs. Karen and Mrs. Bobbie,
Kyle and I are so sorry for the loss of your daughter and granddaughter. We know that she meant everything to you both. We would like you to know that we are praying for you and your family, and if there is anything that we can do, please be sure to let us know. Just keep trusting and believing in the Lord and He will bring you through.

Kyle and LeAnne Harper
Oct 27, 2005
Oak Grove, LA




Oct 27, 2005
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