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My love for her is beyond any love I have ever heard described. It is a love that is beyond love; a soul connection in which no seam is visible.

In Loving Memory of Megan Lynn Allen

March 1, 1985 - October 26, 2005

This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Megan Lynn Allen who was born in Louisiana on March 1, 1985 and died tragically in an automobile accident on October 26, 2005 at the age of 20. We will remember her forever. Megan loved her music. She was an only child so she pretty much got anything she wanted.  Her greatest accomplishment was graduating from high school with honors.  She was funny, sweet and caring.  She loved the cold weather.  Loved Canada more than anything.  All the pictures in the album titled self portraits were pictures she made of herself.  You just never know what a teenager can do with their own digital camera.  



She had a special talent when it came to computers.  She built her first computer from scratch by the age of 15.  She would order all the parts from different places and build her own.  It just seem to come natural to her.  If there was something wrong with your computer she could fix it. She truly would have been a great asset to the world of technology had she lived. Megan will never be far from our hearts, our thoughts, or our prayers. She is always with us...her love will never die... 


Please click on the link below for a short video remembering Meg...

Matthew 19:14

 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."




Some artwork she made that I found in her photobucket 










The miracle of birth / Dr. Ralph Armstrong

(I delivered her)



Every birth is a miracle.  We all start as a couple of cells and develop into a beautiful baby, then a child, then a teenager and then an adult.  Somewhere along the way God breathes into us  a soul that gives us eternal life with intelligence, personality, and emotions that allow us to interact with our families, friends and acquaintances.  When God brings the soul back to Heaven with Him we are left with cherished memories and a "hole" in our hearts that can only be filled by family, friends and acquaintances.  When Megan was born, as her mother's obstetrician, I became one of the people in her life that would feel the loss after she is gone.  This is why I feel the compulsion to remember her and be a part of this community that gathers around her family and friends in our tribute to her life on earth.  We won't know until we can ask God directly why He took her soul back so early, but someday  we'll all know the answer.  Everything happens according to God's plan for us.  All we can do is try to understand, this is the plan for our lives too.










On the day God took you
I thought that I would die
I wondered where the time went?
I asked alot of whys??
With people all around me
I felt alone inside
From all their words of comfort,
I couldn't seem to hide,
I thought I might be dreaming
That I'd wake and find you here,
I thought "This can't be happening."
As I wiped another tear.
On the day that you were laid to rest
My heart broke yet again,
I wondered if the pain would end,
But mostly, I wondered when??
It's hard to be without you,
At times the days seem long,
Sometimes I just sit crying,
When there's really nothing wrong.
I wish we'd had more time,
Before your life was done.
I hope your resting peacefully,
My precious one









The Legend of the Thorn Bird


There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in it's life,

more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.

From the moment it leave the nest it searches for a thorn tree,

and does not rest until it has found one.

Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself on the longest, sharpest spine.

And, dying, it rises above it's own agony to out-carol the Lark and the Nightingale.

One superlative song, existence the price.

But the whole world stills to listen, and God in his Heaven smiles.

For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain... Or so says the legend.



October 26, 2005


 It's been over 19 years since I've heard your voice
and gave you a hug. 

These have been the loneliest years of my life.

Hold my hand while I finish my journey here on earth.

Until we meet again....






A brief moment of darkness
was all that I knew,
before Heaven's Gate
came into my view.
Loved ones and friends
I had missed for many years,
welcomed me with open arms
and many happy tears.
All the hurt, fear, and pain
that I have ever known,
is gone from my life,
I am finally home.
I gazed upon the Lord's
sweet smiling face,
and for the first time in my life
I knew and felt His grace.
I know that you miss me,
but please dry your eyes.
I will always be watching and loving you
from my new home in the sky.
A cool breeze on your face,
a touch of light rain,
I will send as a reminder
that we will be united again.
Life on earth is but one
brief moment in time,
I am finally home,
Eternity is mine.










 "Pennies From Heaven "   




I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground
But it's not just a penny
This little coin I've found.

Found pennies come from Heaven
That's what someone told me,
Angels toss them down.
Oh, how I loved that story.

When an angel misses you
They toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown.

So don't pass by that penny
When you're feeling blue,
It may be a penny from Heaven
That an Angel tossed to you.





Scampy Allen  1995 - 2008









 I Still Feel Your Love

I know you’re gone from this earth
You left me way too soon
But I feel your love every time
I gaze up at the moon.
Sometimes I think I hear
A whisper in the wind
It sounds as if you’ve called my name
As your love to me you send.
Sometimes I do a silly thing
And your laughter fills my ears
I know you’re right here with me
But I can’t see you through my tears.
I felt your hand upon my shoulder
And I quickly turned to see
Visible... you were not
But I know you’re here with me.
In the night you sometime come
To visit in my dreams
My hands go out to touch you
But you’re just out of reach it seems.
For just a flash you appear
Standing close to me
Is it just my imagination
Or is it really you I see.
Even though you’re gone from me
And you watch me from above
I long for you everyday…
And I still feel your love.

Written by an Unknown Author





Something she REALLY didn't like...




And something she REALLY did...






...and now you'd love that little Red 2018 Honda Civic Si even more.


Something she never left home without... 


...and how you would LOVE LOVE LOVE the
Iphone X

You don't even need a camera anymore!

The secret to beautiful hair hasn't changed
Still have to have our CHI












 It is said that when GOD takes us to the edge of darkness......
of this we can be sure.......
 HE will either give us something solid to stand on.......

or we will be taught to fly



























Pecanland Mall...




The Movies...





The Bastrop Christmas Parade












Gone but not forgotten.
Although we are apart,
your spirit lives within me,
forever in my heart.




You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all that she's left
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind
be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want
smile, open your eyes, love and go on









My Mom doesn't know I'm watching her
but I'm watching her just the same.
And I hear each tear fall on her face
at the very mention of my name.
She says it sounds like music to her ears
and can be heard over a crowd.
Oh, I hear each tear fall on her face
when my name is said aloud.
I watch her stumble through each day
as she wishes the day would end.
And I hear each tear fall on her face
as she talks of me to her friends.
But there are few who truly understand.
Oh this I've heard her proclaim.
And I hear each tear fall on her face.
Will my Mom ever be the same?
I know that her smile lights up a sky.
But I don't see that smile today.
Oh, but I hear each tear fall on her face.
Her blue skies have turned to gray.
Oh I send to her my warmest hug
with the rays of the morning sun.
Then, I won't hear a tear fall on her face.
For I shall erase them one by one.
Yes, my Mom doesn't know I'm watching
her. But I'm watching her just the same.
And if I hear a tear fall on her face
I'll just softly whisper her name!

What Is An Angel Mom?

 An Angel Mom Is A Woman With Incredible Strength,
Who At Times Does Not See How Strong She Is.
An Angel Mom Carries Her Child In Her Heart and Not In Her Arms.
An Angel Moms Child Will Never Grow Old.
An Angel Mom Will Always Talk About Her Child,
Celebrate Birthdays, Christmas, Halloween and Easter,
As If Her Child Is Still Here.
Just Because She Does This, It Does Not Mean She Is Weak,
It Simply Means She Will Never Forget!!
Gone But Not Forgotten By So Many

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